Top 5 Ways to Mitigate Rising Energy Costs
It’s difficult to identify an organization or industry that isn’t worried about energy costs for their buildings or facilities. With electricity and natural gas prices experiencing market volatility in recent months, along with increasing pressure for companies to meet net zero goals and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), many are looking for ways to reduce energy costs, implement more effective energy management strategies, and identify solutions for not only increasing energy efficiency, but sustainability too.
1. LED Lighting Retrofit
LEDs have the ability to substantially reduce your energy consumption, while also improving both the visibility and aesthetic of your building or parking lot with brighter and cleaner looking LEDs. Bottom line: You’ll garner new, brighter LED lighting, paid for through your electricity savings.
2. Solar PV
There are numerous benefits to installing a solar array on your roof or property, including a stronger path to energy independence, significant savings on your electricity bill, a hedge on rising energy costs, and a more resilient electricity grid, to name a few.
3. Demand Management:
Demand management is a financially viable solution for organizations looking to generate value from their energy load, while also creating more flexibility in their electricity usage than a typical approach to energy curtailment.
4. Utility Bill Management:
Through the Energy Intelligence Suite, organizations can benefit from automated utility data, without spreadsheets, keying in data, or having to search archives for past invoices. Automatically capture utility bills across all commodities, with invoices electronically validated and audited across 35 metrics to confirm accuracy.
5. Modernizing Old Equipment:
An energy efficiency expert can perform an assessment of your facilities and identify ways to modernize old systems and equipment, such as upgrading HVAC systems.
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